Santa Rosa & Guanacaste National Park
Located in Guanacaste province, north Pacific, 36 km north from Liberia City.
Created by Executive Decree No. 1562-A, of March 20,1972. Has an extension of 37.117 land hectares and 78.000 sea hectares.
Is one of the areas of mayor history importance of the country. The old house and the rock yard were stage of the mayor national battle: The Santa Rosa Battle, on March 20,1856.
The park is important for the protection and restoration of the Pacific Dry habitats. The beaches of Nancite and Naranjo are of great beauty and very important for the spawning of the sea turtle's like the parrot and baula.
In Santa Rosa exist about 10 habitats: the deciduos forests, the encino forests, always-green forests, mangrove, swamps, riberenos forests, short forest, beach vegetation and savannas.
Different trees constitute the savannas: like the encino oak, nance, the chumico de palo o raspaguacal, the cornizuelo and jícaro. The deciduos forests contents about 240 trees and shrub: the guanacaste, national tree, the naked Indian, the savanna oak, the chaperno, the jobo, the pochote, and the guacimo.
The alwaysgreen forest the domain species are: the níspero, the encino, the tempisque and the aceituno. The wild life is very abundant. Has been observed 155 mammals species, more of the half are bats, 253 birds, 100 amphibians and reptiles, more than 10.000 of insects, including 3.140 butterflies species.
The most common mammals are: the congo monkey, the whiteface monkey, the armadillo, the venado, the danta, the pizote, the saíno, the puma. The jaguar and raccons. The thorny mouse is the most abundant of all.
Some of the birds are: the magpie, the orange front parrot, the red widow, the soterrey matraquero, the carga huesos, the pavón, the gavilán cangrejero and saltarín colilargo.
Park Facilities and Hours
Nancite Station area in an absolute protected zone,
with access restricted by permission. There are very rustic lodging
facilities available at the Nancite Biological Station for
investigators and students.
The Museum is open from 8am to 4pm, and the camping area is open 24 hours. Picnic areas with tables and charcoal cookstoves, potable water, restrooms and showers.
The camping area in Murcielago is open 24 hours with visitor attention from 8am to 4pm. It provides picnic tables and charcoal cookstoves, potable water, restrooms and showers. There are also a few buildings that provide rustic lodging for investigators and students.
The camping area at Naranjo Beach is open 24 hours and provides picnic tables and charcoal cookstoves. Restrooms and showers are available, but no potable water.
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